Dr M B Saidutta - Conferences/Workshops
List of Conferences / Summer Schools / Refresher Programs Conducted / attended on Invitation.
1) ' Bioconversion, Process Optimisation, Computer Modeling' conducted by the Department of Chemical Engineering, Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkal during Dec. 4-16, 1989.
2) 'Methodologies for Environmental Impact Assessment and management Plan ( EIA & EMP) conducted by the department of Chemical Engineering, KarnatakaRegional Engineering College, Surathkal during May 23- Jun 4, 1994.
3) 'Reliability Techniques and maintenance strategies for mining and material handling systems' conducted by Department of Mining, Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkal during Nov.22 - Dec 4, 1994.
4) QIP short term course on 'Neural Networks in Chemical Process Engineering' held at Chemical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore during Feb 5-16, 1996.
5) 'Mechatronics' conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkal during Nov., 1997.
6) ' Object Oriented Design' conducted by Department of Computer Engineering, Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkal during mar 2- 14, 1998.
7) ' Component Object Technology ( COM,DCOM& CORBA) conducted by Department of Computer Engineering, Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkalduring Jan 29 - Feb 10, 2001.
8) Workshop on ' Standardisation needs of environmental laboratories in Karnataka' conducted by Environmental Training Institute, Bangalore during Oct 28-31, 1996.
9) 'CFD Awareness Workshop' conducted by M S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies during Feb 14-16, 2002.
1) 'Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks in Chemical Process Automation' conducted at Department of Chemical Engineering, Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkal during Feb 15-27, 1999.
1) A Talk on ' Air Pollution Models' in ISTE summer school on 'Methodologies for EIA and EMP' conducted by the Department of Chemical Engineering, KREC, Surathkal.
2) A talk on 'EIA for Port and Harbour Projects' in the training program on "Coastal Engineering' Conducted by Indian Institute of Port Management, Calcutta and New Mangalore Port Trust, Mangalore during October, 1994.
3) Delivered SIX hours of lecture on 'Thermodynamics' under Faculty Development Program at S I T, Tumkur in Dec., 1996.
4) A talk on basics of Neural Networks in the ISTE Winter school on 'Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks in Chemical Process Automation' conducted at Department of Chemical Engineering, Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkal during Feb 15-27, 1999.
5) A talk on Application of Neural Networks in Fault Diagnosis in the ISTE Winter school on 'Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks in Chemical Process Automation' conducted at Department of Chemical Engineering, Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkal during Feb 15-27, 1999.
6) A talk on Application of Neural Networks in Process Control in the ISTE Winter school on 'Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks in Chemical Process Automation' conducted at Department of Chemical Engineering, Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Surathkal during Feb 15-27, 1999.
7) A talk in the workshop on Risk and Safety Management in Chemical Industries, organized for Chemical Engineering Students on April 17th & 18th, 1999 in association with IIChE, Mangalore Regional Center, at KREC, Surathkal.
8) Co-Chaired a session on “Experimental Fluid Mechanics”, 30th national Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Dec. 11 – 13, 2003 at NITK, Surathkal.
9) Resource person in CCE refresher course for Shift Engineers of MCF on “Awareness in Engineering Concepts” during 13.10.2003 to 25.10.2003. Lecture delivered on Process Calculation and Fluid Mechanics ( six hours).
10) Resource person in CCE-BARC refresher course for Plant operations of RMP, Mysore on Unit Operations in Chemical Engg. Practice, during 27th Jan. to 5th Feb. 2004. Lecture delivered on Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Safety (Nine hours).