Molecular and Turbulent Transport (CH701)


M.Tech (CH)


Programme Core (PC)

Credits (L-T-P): 

04 (3-1-0)


Phenomenological description of the continuum approach, Introduction to general transport equations for momentum, energy and mass transfer in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Reynolds transport theorem. Equations of change for isothermal systems, Velocity distributions with more than one independent variable, Velocity distributions in turbulent flow, Interphase transport in isothermal systems, Macroscopic balances for isothermal systems.Temperature distributions in solids and in laminar flow, Equations of change for non-isothermal systems, Temperature distributions with more than one independent variable, Temperature distributions in turbulent flow, Interphase transport in non isothermal systems. Macroscopic balances for non-isothermal systems, Concentration distributions in solids and in laminar flow, Concentration distributions with more than one independent variable, Concentration distributions in turbulent flow. Interphase transport in multi-component systems, Macroscopic balances for multicomponent systems.


1. R.S.Brodkey and H.C.Hershey, Transport Phenomena - A unified approach, McGraw Hill, 1988. 2. R.B.Bird, W.E.Stuart and E.W.Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena - John Wiley, 1960.


Chemical Engineering

Minor or Honours: 


Contact us

Dr. I. Regupathi, Professor and Head
Department of Chemical Engineering, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.

  • Hot line: +91-0824-2474057

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