Dr. G. Srinikethan
04-08-1954 |
Professor of Chemical Engg., NITK |
Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Surathkal, Srinivasanagar-575025. |
- B.E , Chemical, Annamalai University, June 1977.
- M.E, Chemical, Annamalai University, June 1979.
- Ph.D, Chemical Engg, I.I.T, Madras, March 1985.
a) Temporary Lecturer, KREC, Surathkal, June 1979 to July 1980.
b) Research Scholar, I.I.T, Madras, August 1980 to July 1984.
c) Permanent Lecturer, KREC Surathkal, September 1984 to September 1995.
d) Assistant Professor, KREC Surathkal, October 1995 to October 2000.
e) Professor, KREC/ NITK Surathkal, October 2000 to till date.
f) Head of the Department, August 2003 to August 2006.
g) Dean, Academic Affairs, 1st February 2008 to 31st January 2011.
a) Mass Transfer
b) Heat Transfer
c) Biochemical Engineering
d) Reaction Engineering
e) Industrial and Domestic Effluent Treatment
f) Air Pollution Control and Design of Equipments
g) Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer
h) Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Plan
i) Risk and Safety management
ØActively involved in setting up Environmental and Biochemical Engineering
ØActively involved in setting up Heat and Mass transfer Laboratories under I.I.T-REC Network.
§ Member of International Water Association, IWA (Formerly called IAWQ).
§ Life Member of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, IIChE.
§ Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education, ISTE.
§ Life Member of Loss Prevention Association of India Ltd, LPA.
- Chairman State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority From June 2007
- Danida (Danish Agency for Development) fellowship training Programme in Denmark for six weeks during September / October 1994.
- Member of Government of Karnataka appointed committee to visit Refineries in Indiaand to suggest methods for disposal of Treated Effluents from MRPL.
- Presently member of District Crisis Group, Constituted by Govt. of Karnataka underthe Chemical Emergency Rules of 1999.
Invited to present a talk in All India Radio, Mangalore on the topics:
i) Risk and Safety Management -11.12.97.
ii) Sustainable Development -11-03-98.
iii) Innovations in Chemical Industry and Engineering Scenario -11-6-98.
Ø Member Technical Advisory Committee, KSPCB, Bangalore.
Ø Chairman Expert committee to look into Shrimp farming problems, High Court of Karnataka.
Ø Member, Govt. of Karnataka Committee for selection of Chairman KSPCB.
Ø Member DCST, Consent committee of KSPCB
List of Recent Publications
Publication in International Journals:
- Srinikethan G., Maheesan P. M. and Harikumar P. S. (2011), “Performance evaluation of integrated treatment plant of trickling filter and constructed wetland”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 3 (1), 305-317.
- Madhumathi, G. Srinikethan and Smitha Hegde (2010), Screening and Isolation of Gasoline Degrading Bacteria by Enrichment Technique, Iranica Journal of Energy and Environment 1(3): 184-191.
- Srinikethan G., Maheesan P. M. and Harikumar P. S. (2009), “Tertiary treatment in a vertical flow reed bed system”, Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, 25 (1), pp 79-81.
- K. Vidya Shetty, Santhosh Nandennavar, G.Srinikethan,- Artificial Neural Networks Model for the prediction of steady state phenol biodegradation in a pulsed plate Bioreactor ,Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology; 83:1181-1189(2008) (Wiley Journal).
- Srinikethan G., Harikumar P. S. and Maheesan P. M. (2007), “Process of nitrification in constructed wetland having vertical flow beds”, Eco- chronicle, 2(4), 173- 176.
- Balakrishna K., Itta Arun Kumar, Srinikethan G., and Mugeraya G. (2006) “Natural and anthropogenic factors controlling the dissolved organic carbon concentrations and fluxes in a large tropical river, India”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Springer, The Netherlands, v.122, pp.355-364
- K. Vidya Shetty, I. Kalifathulla, G. Srinikethan,Performance of a Pulsed Plate Bioreactor for Biodegradation of Phenol, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 140(1-2)2007, 346352. [Elsevierpublications] doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2006.09.0581
- K. Vidya Shetty, R. Ramanjaneyulu, G. Srinikethan, (2007)'Biodegradation of Phenol in a Pulsed Plate Bioreactor Using Immobilized Cells-Effect of Dilution Rate and Influent Phenol Concentration', Journal of Hazardous Materials.[Elsevier publications] doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2007.04.024
- Lokeshwari, Sridhara, Srinikethan. (2006) “Industrial Estate Planning For Mangalore Taluk In Karnataka Using Remote Sensing And GIS”, Journal Of Industrial Pollution Control 22(1) pp 161-170
- Shetty K.V, Kalifathulla I, Srinikethan G,Performance of a Pulsed Plate Bioreactor for Biodegradation of Phenol,Journal of Hazardous Materials,140(1-2)2007,346-352.(Elsevier)
- Shetty KV,.Ramanjaneyulu R ,Srinikethan G,Biodegradation of Phenol in a Pulsed Plate Bioreactor Using Immobilized Cells-Effect of Dilution Rate and Influent Phenol Concentration,Journal of Hazardous Materials.149 (2007),452-459(Elsevier)
- Shetty K.V , Nadennavar S , Srinikethan G ,Artificial Neural Networks Model for the Prediction of Steady State Phenol Biodegradation in a Pulsed Plate Bioreactor, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology,83(2008),1181-1189.(Wiley)
- Shetty K.V, Kedargol M.R. ,Srinikethan G,Combined effect of plate pulsation parameters and phenol concentrations on the phenol removal efficiency of a pulsed plate bioreactor with immobilized cells, Water Science and Technology,58(6)(2008)1253-1258 (Elsevier)
- Shetty K.V, Srinikethan G, Oxygen Mass Transfer Coefficients in a Three-Phase Pulsed Plate Bioreactor, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING 8(2010) Article A127 (The Berkeley Electronic Press)
- Shetty K.V, Verma D.K, Srinikethan. G.,Modelling and simulation of steady-state phenol degradation in a pulsed plate bioreactor with immobilised cells of Nocardia hydrocarbonoxydans. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng.( 2011) 34(1):45-56
- Shetty K.V, Srinikethan G, Mixing and solid-liquid mass transfer characteristics in a three phase pulsed plate column with packed bed of solids in interplate spaces—a novel aerobic immobilized cell bioreactor, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.(2011) 86: 1310–1320
Publication in National Journals:
1. G. Srinikethan, Shrihari S. and Pradeepan V.S. (2007) “Treatment of Domestic Wastewater by Association of upflow anaerobic biofilters”, Pollution Research, pp. 183-187.
2. G. Srinikethan, Shrihari S. and Pradeepan V.S. (2005) “Treatment of Wastewater in upflow anaerobic biofilters using granite as packing material”, Pollution Research, pp. 27-31.
3. G. Srinikethan, Shrihari S. and Pradeepan V.S. (2005) “Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater by anaerobic biofilters”, Pollution Research, pp. 781- 784.
4. G. Srinikethan, Shrihari S. and Pradeepan V.S. (2004) “Treatment of Domestic Wastewater by UASB System for Tropical Countries”, Pollution Research, 23 (2) pp. 291-294.1. Deepa V.J.,
5. Balakrishna K.,Mugeraya G., Srinikethan G. and Krishnakumar P. K. (2007) Spatial and temporal variations in water quality, major ions and trace metals in River Godavari at Rajahmundry. Pollution Research, v. 26(1), pp.69-75.
In-House Journal:
i) Balakrishna K., Sharmila S.S., Srinikethan, G., Mugerya, G. and Krishnakumar P.K. (2005) “Major ion chemistry of Godavari river at Rajahmundry: Geological and Environmental implications”, NITK Research Bulletin, NITK Surathkal, v.14 (2), pp. 32-37.
ii) Balakrishna, K., Arunkumar, I., Srinikethan, G. and Mugeraya, G. (2005) “Spatial and temporal variations in the dissolved organic carbon in the river Godavari at Rajahmundry”, NITK Research Bulletin, NITK Surathkal, v.14 (1), pp.7-14.
iii) Deepa, V.J., Balakrishna, K., Mugeraya, G., Srinikethan, G. and Krishnakumar, P.K. (2004) “Preliminary findings of the water quality and trace metal variations in the river Godavari at Rajahmundry”. NITK Research Bulletin, NITK Surathkal, v.13, pp. 9-16. C.
Papers in Proceedings of Seminar / Conferences:
1. Aparna A., Srinikethan G., Smitha Hegde, "Effect of Addition of Biosurfactant Produced by Pseudomonas sps. on Biodegradation of Crude Oil", "2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST 2011)" at Singapore, 26-28th February 2011, IPCBEE vol.6 (2011), IACSIT Press, Singapore, pp 71-75.
2. Aparna A., Srinikethan G. and Smitha Hegde (2010). “Biosurfactant production and hydrocarbon-degradation by bacterial strain 2B obtained from a hydrocarbon contaminated region” at National Conference on Chemical and Biological waste treatment processes for Green Environment, Trivandrum, Conference Proc., June 25-26. pp 44-47.
3. Aparna A., Srinikethan G. and Smitha Hegde (2010). “Biosurfactants- A Review”, Proc., International Conference on Convergence of Science and Engineering in education and research-a global perspective in the new millennium (ICSE – 2010)” at Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, 21-23 April. pp 54.
4. Ranjani C., M. B. Saidutta, G.Srinikethan “Studies on microbial degradation of chlorinated organic compounds by Bacillus cereus” Proceedings of 2nd National Conference on Biotechnology for Rural and Industrial Development (NCBIRD-2008) Gulbarga p.60-61 2008.
5. Ranjani C., M.B.Saidutta, G.Srinikethan “Studies on microbial degradation of chlorinated organic compounds by Paenibacillus macerans ” Proceedings of 2nd International Conference On Biotechnology for Sustainable Development Biotechnology (green chemicals and materials, bioenergy, biorefinery and clean water),NCL Pune p.53 2008.
6. Keshava Joshi, Prakash Binnal and Dr. G. Srinikethan,Denitrification: Mass Transfer and KineticStudies, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2007 WCECS 2007, October 24-26, 2007, San Francisco, USA
7. Vidya Shetty K ; I Kalifathulla; G Srinikethan (2007) “Aerobic Phenol Biodegradation in a Pulsed Plate Biofilm Reactor” is accepted for presentation at International Conference on Cleaner Technologies and Environmental Management (ICCTEM 07) to be held at Government Engineering College , Pondicherry from 4-6 January 2007.
8. Balakrishna, K., Suvarna, S.S., Srinikethan, G., Mugeraya, G. and Krishnakumar, P.K. (2006) “Major ion geochemistry of Godavari river at Rajahmundry, India”, Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, vol. 25, pp.268, Supplementary issue specially dedicated to The 7th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, Beijing, China, 24-27 September 2006.
9. Vidya Shetty K; Chandrashekara H; I Kalifathulla; G Srinikethan (2006) “Phenol Biodegradation in a Pulsed Plate Bioreactor Using Immobilised Nocardia hydrocarbonoxydans”, is published in the conference proceedings of National Conference on Environmental Conservation (NCEC 2006)Organised by Dept.of Chemical Engg. ,BITS, Pilani during 1st to 3rd Sept. 2006 . The paper was awarded with the best paper award in a technical session on Environmental Engineering.
10. Vidya Shetty K ; G Srinikethan (2005) ”Biodegradation of Phenol in a pulsed plate Bioreactor”, proceedings of 3rd IWA Leading Edge International Conference on Water and Waste water Treatment Technologies 2005 ,held at Sapporo, Japan ;6-8 June 2005, Published by International Water Association, London.
11. Balakrishna, K., Deepa, V.J., Srinikethan, G. and Mugeraya, G. (2005). “Major ions and dissolved trace metals in the river Godavari at Rajahmundry”, Abstract volume of International conference on water and health January 22-23, 2005, SJ College of Engineering, Mysore, p.96.
12. Vidya Shetty K.; G. Srinikethan (2005) “Biodegradation of Phenol in a pulsed plate Bioreactor”, Abstract published in the Abstract book of 3rd IWA Leading Edge Conference on water and Waste water Treatment Technologies, 2005, held at Sapporo, Japan, brought out during the conference by International Water Association, London.
13. Vidya Shetty K.; Ramanjaneyulu R; G. Srinikethan (2005) “Biodegradation of Phenol in a pulsed plate Bioreactor using Immobilised Cells”, published in the Conference proceedings of International Conference on Environmental Management(ICEM-2005) organized by JNTU, Hyderabad and published by B.S. Publications under the theme Pollution Control And Technologies.
14. Deepa V.J., Balakrishna K., Gopal Mugeraya and Srinikethan G. (2004) “Variations in water quality in the river Godavari at Rajahmundry”, Abstract volume of the National Seminar on Coastal Environments and Management, April 24-25, 2004, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, p.59.
- Co-ordinator of “Industrial pollution / Environmental Audit”, Project along with Danish Consultancy, EMPS, Mangalore December, 1994 (Rs 3.15 Lakhs).
- Co-ordinator of “Analysis of Mangalore Urban water supply and sewerage system”, Danida sponsored project, December, 1994 (Rs 4.09 Lakhs).
- Co-ordinator of “Environmental parameters-Air, Water and Sediments quality at NMPT, 94-95 to till date(Rs. 3.0 Lakhs Annually).
- Co-ordinator of “Environmental parameters-Air, Water and Sediments quality at, TUTICORIN PORT TRUST.
Co-ordinator of:
-Safety audit for NMPT sponsored by CLRI Chennai.
- Risk Assessment for JESO (Steel Company).
- EIA and EMP for Malpe II Stage Harbour (1994).
- EIA for proposed steel factory at Bellary (1998).
- Dispersion studies for MCF, Panambur (1994, 1998).
- Risk Evaluation Studies for MCF, Panambur (1999).
- EIA-Ambient Air Quality Studies for Smith Cogeneration Unlimited,
Bangalore (1999).
- Risk Assessment for Kanara Petroleum, Udupi (1999).
- Design of Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) for M/S Sterling
foods, Mukka (1998).
- Design of Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) for M/S Canara
Marine company, Malpe (1998).
-Testing the possibility of ground water contamination at HPCL by
treated effluent of M/S BASF, July (1998).
- Design of WWTP. For m/s Jyothi Automobile Industries, Hosabettu
January (2000).
- Valuation of plastic machinery confiscated by M/S State Bank of
India, Panambur (1999).
- Risk Evaluation of Polymerisation of Styrene monomer in storage
tanks of Indian molasses company, NMPT (2000).
- Safety of isolation system in Urea plant of MCF (2000).
- Safety of importing certain chemicals through NMPT, Panambur
1) “Bio conversion Process Optimization and Computer Modeling”, ISTE Winter School, 4th to 16th December 1989.
2) “Coordinator of Methodologies for EIA and EMP”, ISTE Summer School, 23rd May to 4th June 1994.
3) Organizing secretary of “Risk and Safety Management in Process Industries Coordinator of "Risk and Safety Managemment" for Chemical Engineering Students of KREC and MIT Manipal, April 1999.
5) Organising Secretary of Workshop on Environmental Management", IIChE Mangalore Regional Centre, April 1994.
6) Organised one day Seminar on "Reforms in Primary Education" at KREC English Medium School as President of Parents Teachers Association.
7) Coordinator of ISO - 14000, Environmental Management System, October 1998.
8) Convenor Integrated coastal zone management plan ICZMP 2007 National workshop NITK Suathkal April 2007.
9) Organising Secretary National workshop on “ Aerosal Characterisation.” November 2005.
1 Contributed a chapter on Environmental Impact Assessment in a book titled “Environmental Impact Assessment”, published by Daya Publishing house, Delhi.
2 Reviewed papers Presented in International Conference organised in I.I.T, Chennai, December 1996.
3 Reviewed papers published in the special volume on “Environmental Pollution”, during the seminar held at SDM College of Engineering, Dharwad on 12th and 13th of December 1996.
1) Dean, Academics affairs, NITK, Surathkal.
2) Chairman, State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority.
3) Chief Warden, KREC Hostels.
4) Vice Chairman, College Sports Advisory Committee.
5) Member of Medical Attendance Rules Framing Committee.
6) Member of KREC School Managing Committee
7) Member of District Emergency Authority.
8) Member of a Committee Constituted by Deputy Commissioner DK District to study the problems of Mangalore Urban Water Supply & Sanitation system
9) Member of District Environmental Protection Committee.
10)Member of District Council for Science and Technology.
11)Member of Government Committee to visit other Refineries to submit a report for solving MRPL Effluent Discharge Problem.
12) Member of College Library Advisory Committee.
13) Member of Advisory Committee for Centre for Continuing Education.
1) Coordinator, CCB and DASA, NITK SURATHKAL.
2) Member, State Environmental Appraisal Committee (SEAC).
3) Member, Govt. Committee constituted to look into pollution aspects of Udupi Power Corporation Limited (UPCL).
4) Member of District Crisis Group.
5) Member of Committee to Frame C & R Rules for Non Teaching Staffs.
6) Member of Sports Advisory Committee.
7) Member of a Team to help College to Procure Machinery for Swimming pool.
8) Member of Technical Advisory Committee, KSPCB, Bangalore.
1) Bio Remediation of Phenol. 2) Characterisation of Flocculants.
3) Air Pollution Atlas 4) Phyto Remediation 5) Bio Degradation of Phenol
6) Bio Degradation of Chlorinated Organic compounds 7) Bio remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons 8) Microbial production of surfactants 9) Denitrification of waste water.