JagadeeshBabu P.E.



Date of Joining at NITK: 

Friday, January 2, 2009

Professional Experience: 

2023-TillDate -- Professor, NITK-Surathkal, Mangalore
2018 - 2023 -- Associate Professor, NITK-Surathkal, Mangalore
2009 - 2018 -- Lecturer/Asst. Professor, NITK-Surathkal, Mangalore
2008 - 2008 -- Research Associate, ICT-Prague, Czech Republic, Europe
2005 - 2008 -- Asst. Professor, St Joseph College of Engineering, Chennai
2001 - 2005 -- Teaching Research Associate, A.C.Tech, Anna University, Chennai

Contact Details


jagadeesh_78 [at] nitk.edu.in
jagadeesh_78 [at] yahoo.com


+91-824-2474000 Extn. 3640
Academic Background

BTech - Chemical Engineering - Madras University - 1999
MTech - Energy Engineering - NIT, Trichy, 2001
PhD - Chemical Engineering - A.C.Tech., Anna University - 2005

Areas of Interest

1. Drug Delivery System (Nano Carriers, Bio-Conjugation, Smart Wound Dressings, Self Healing Material)
2. Water Treatment (Photocatalyst, Membranes, Photocatalytic Membrane Reactors)
3. PEM Fuel Cells (P-E-Membranes, CFD-Simulations)
4. Chemical Kinetics (Esterification, Transesterifications)

Significant Projects
  1. SeedGrant, NITK, 5-Lakh, Title: Synthesis and characterization of stimuli response polymers, (completed).
  2. DST, Fast Track, 18-Lakh, Title: Synthesis and Characterization of Temperature Sensitive Nano Hydrogels for Drug Delivery System, (completed).
  3. CSIR, 21-Lakh, Title: Synthesis and Characterization of SPION Embedded Inorganic Hollow Core-shell Nano Particle as Magnetic Drug Delivery Vector, (completed).
  4. INMAS-DRDO, 45-Lakh, Title: Design and development of affinity based sensors for the detection of radiological compounds in point of CBRN emergencies using ZnO NPs functionalized by amidoxine and mugenic Acid, (completed).
  5. SERB-CRG, DST, 40-Lakh, Title: Particle migration and marginationin bidispersed fluid flow through constricted channels, (ongoing).
  6. DST, SERB, CRG, 42.9-Lakh, Title: Investigation on Functionalized-Graphene-Oxide Anchored Arbitrator in PANI/PS based Polymer Electrolyte Membrane for Fuel Cell Application, (ongoing)
Supervision of Ph.D

PhD Guidance (Awarded):

  1. Ms. B. Maheswari      Title: Synthesis and Characterization of Macro/Nano Thermosensitive Hydrogels for Drug Delivery Applications
  2. Ms. PoojaNanda        Title: Studies on Site-specific Pegylation of Uricase from Bacillus Fastidious Using Mpeg-derivatives
  3. Mr. Abhinav K Nair    Title: Synthesis and Characterization of Tio2 Based Nano Material and their Applications in Water Purification
  4. Ms. Deepika              Title: Synthesis and Characterization of Hallow Core –Shell Silica Nano Particles as Drug Delivery Vector
  5. Mr. N. AnandKumar  Title: Experimental and Computational Studies on Uricase Bio-conjugation with BSA for Hyperuricemia
  6. Ms. SushmaIshwar    Title: Synthesis and Charact of Functionalized GQD Incorporated Micro/Nano Poly(n,n-diethyle Acrylamide) Hydrogel as DDS
  7. Ms. TharaRathana     Title: Reduction of Chromium using Polyaniline Based Composite Membrane in a Photocatalytic Membrane Reactor
  8. Ms. VrushaliKadam   Title: Detection and Degradation of Endocrine Disruptors using Zno Nanoparticlesd
  9. Mr. Mugunthan         Title: Photo Catalytic Degradation of Diclofenac using Different Mixed Oxide Catalysts
  10. Ms. DikshaSharma    Title: Hydrogel Based Wound Dressing Material using Fish Collagen and Silver Nanowires as Antimicrobial Agent
  11. Ms Deepti Susanna    Title: Ulstrasonication-Assisted Phytochemical Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles from Nothopodytes foetida and their                                                                    Biofunctionalization for Detection of Foodborne Pathogens

PhD Guidance (ongoing):

  1. Mr. Atul Vasant Sawale
  2. Mr. Harmeet Singh
  3. Ms. Reneeth Gabriella

Project Junior Research Fellow:

  1. Ms. Shreya
Significant Publications

  Recent Publications (Last 5 Years)

  1. D Deepika, PE Jagadeeshbabu, Sacrificial polystyrene template assisted synthesis of tunable pore size hollow core-shell silica nanoparticles (HCSNs) for drug delivery application, AIP Conference Proceedings 2148 (1), 030016, 2019
  2. AK Nelapati, PE JagadeeshBabu, Computational analysis of therapeutic enzyme uricase from different source organisms, Current Proteomics 17 (1), 59-77, 2020
  3. AK Nelapati, BK Das, PE JagadeeshBabu, D Chakraborty, In-silico epitope identification and design of Uricase mutein with reduced immunogenicity, Process Biochemistry, 2020
  4. Anand Kumar Nelapati, Shubham Meena, Aditya Kumar Singh, Narsimha Bhakta, PE JagadeeshBabu, In Silico Structural and Functional Analysis of Bacillus Uricases, Current Proteomics, 2020
  5. VV Kadam, RM Balakrishnan, JP Ettiyappan, NS Thomas, SAD Souza, Sensing of p-nitrophenol in aqueous solution using zinc oxide quantum dots coated with APTES, Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 16, 100474, 2021
  6. T Rathna, JB PonnanEttiyappan, D RubenSudhakar, Fabrication of visible-light assisted TiO2-WO3-PANI membrane for effective reduction of chromium (VI) in photocatalytic membrane reactor, Environmental Technology & Innovation 24, 102023, 2021
  7. M Elangovan, SM Bharathaiyengar, J PonnanEttiyappan, Photocatalytic degradation of diclofenac using TiO 2-CdS heterojunction catalysts under visible light irradiation, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (14), 18186-18200, 2021
  8. VV Kadam, SD Shanmugam, JP Ettiyappan, RM Balakrishnan, Photocatalytic degradation of p-nitrophenol using biologically synthesized ZnO nanoparticles, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (10), 12119-12130, 2021
  9. VV Kadam, RM Balakrishnan, JP Ettiyappan, Fluorometric detection of bisphenol A using β-cyclodextrin-functionalized ZnO QDs Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (10), 11882-11892, 2021
  10. D Deepika, PE Jagadeeshbabu, Synthesis of silica hollow core shell nanoparticles by sacrificial nitrated polystyrene template approach for targeted drug delivery application, Materials Today: Proceedings 45, 740-744, 2021
  11. T Rathna, JB PonnanEttiyappan, DR Sudhakar, Synthesis, Characterization and Performance Evaluation of TiO2-SnO2 photocatalyst for Removal of Toxic Hexavalent Chromium, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 233 (7), 1-9, 2022
  12. D Susanna, RM Balakrishnan, JP Ettiyappan, Comprehensive insight into the extract optimization, phytochemical profiling, and biological evaluation of the medicinal plant Nothapodytes foetida, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 42, 102365, 2022
  13. T Rathna, JB PonnanEttiyappan, DR Sudhakar, TiO2‐WO3 nanocube‐polyaniline hierarchical membrane for efficient removal of chromium in a photocatalytic membrane reactor, Water and Environment Journal, Pages 819-827, Volume37, Issue4, November 2023
  14. T Rathna, PE Jagadeeshbabu, Visible light assisted photocatalytic reduction of chromium (VI) using PANI/TiO2 nanocomposite from aqueous solutions, AIP Conference Proceedings 2521 (1), 2023
  15. D Susanna, RM Balakrishnan, JP Ettiyappan, Ultrasonication-assisted green synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles from Nothapodytes foetida: An assessment of their antioxidant, antibacterial, anticancer and wound healing potential, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 87, 104740, 2023
  16. I Ilango, D Susanna, R Gabriella, RM Balakrishnan, JP Ettiyappan, Zinc-decorated barium oxide nanorods for the effective sunlight-induced catalytic degradation of Irgalite violet dye, Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering 8 (3), 655-673, 2023


  1. Served as HOD Chemical - Sep2021 to Nov202023
  2. Served as Liaison Officer - June2016 to July2028
  3. Served as Warden           -  July2014 to Oct2016 
  4. Recipient of Young Scientist Award from Department of Science and Technology under SERC Fast Track Scheme 2009 – 2012

Patent Published:

  1. Method for Synthesising PANI/GO based Composite Proton Exchange Membrane - Patent No: 557155.
  2. A pH-Sensitive Topical Wound Healing Hydrogel - Patent No: 557879

Research Interaction:

  1. Visited School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, during 1st May 2011 to 30th May 2011.
  2. Dr. Saravanan Kumar Jaganathan, Cardiovascular Engineering Centre, Universiti Technologi Malaysia in the field of “Chemical Engineering Aspects of cardiovascular biomedicine” during 1st March 2015 to 8th March 2015

Book Chapter:

  1. Abhinav K. Nair, B. Vinay Kumar, and P.E. Jagadeeshbabu. ‘Photocatalytic Degradation of Congo Red Dye Using Silver Doped TiO2 Nanosheets’ Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering, Springer (2016) DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-1633-2_23.

International Conference:

  1. P.E. JagadeeshBabu, Generalized Mathematical Expression for the Identification of Flow Regime in Packed Bed Down Flow Reactors” Presented in International Conference “CHEMCON-2007”, 1-5 Dec-2007, Calcutta, India.
  2. P.E. JagadeeshBabu, M.B. Saidutta, Studies on the Performance of Reactive Distillation Column for the Production of Methyl Acetate by Esterification of Acetic Acid with Methanol using Ion Exchange Catalyst”RSCE-2010, 22-23 Nov-2010, Bangkok, Thailand.
  3. Pooja Nanda, P.E. JagadeeshBabu, Study on pegylation of therapeutic enzyme uricase and its physio-chemical properties for improving pharmaceutical characteristics, Presented in International Joint Conference on Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Technology, IJCPPT-2012, 29 Jan-2012, Bangalore, India.
  4. Pooja Nanda, JagadeeshBabu P.E., PEGylation of Uricase with Linear Polyethylene-glycol molecule (Mol Wt:8 KDa). International joint conference on Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Jan-2012, India.
  5. Pooja Nanda, JagadeeshBabu P.E., Solid phase PEGylation of Uricase, International Conference On Advances In Chemical Engineering (Icace2015), 20-22 Dec-2015, NITK, Mangalore, India
  6. A. K. Nair, V. K. Bandaru, P. E. JagadeeshBabu, Photocatalytic degradation of congo red dye using silver doped TiO2 nanosheets, International conference on advances in chemical engineering, Dec-2015, NITK, Mangalore, India
  7. Pooja Nanda, JagadeeshBabu P.E., Synthesis of site-specifically PEGylated Uricase conjugate with improved pharmaceutical properties for the treatment of hyperuricemia, 4th IES 2015, Mar-2015, Kumamoto University, Japan.
  8. A. K. Nair, P. E. JagadeeshBabu, Ag-TiO2 nanosheet photocatalytic hierarchical membrane for water treatment, 69th Chemical Engineering Congress (Chemcon-2016) by the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (IIChe), Dec-2016, Chennai Regional Centre, A. C. Tech. Chennai.
  9. A. K. Nair, P. E. JagadeeshBabu, Ag-TiO2 nanofiber membranes for photocatalytic degradation of dyes, International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Oct-2016, Center for Nanotechnology, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore.
  10. A. K. Nair, P. E. JagadeeshBabu, TiO2 nanosheet-graphene oxide based photocatalytic hierarchical membrane for water purification, International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films and Surface Coatings (Thinfilms-2016), July-2016, Thinfilm society, Nanyang Technological  University (NTU), Singapore.
  11. Pooja Nanda, Jagadeeshbabu, P.E., Solid Phase PEGylation of Uricase. ICEMS-2016, 2016, JNU Jaipur
  12. Sushma Havanur, JagadeeshBabu P. E., “Synthesis and characterization of poly (N, N – diethyl acrylamide) macro-hydrogels for drug delivery application” International conference on Advanced materials and Technology (ICMAT-16), 26-28 May-2016, SJCE, Mysore.
  13. Sushma Havanur, JagadeeshBabu P. E., “Synthesis and characterization of Graphene quantum dots and its application in stimuli responsive hydrogel as drug carrier.” International conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN-2017), 9 Nov-2017, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai.
  14. Vrushali V Kadam, Soundharyadharshini N. S., Raj Mohan B., Jagadeesh Babu P. E., Photocatalytic degradation of p-nitrophenol using biologically synthesized ZnO nanoparticles, Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control: Future Perspectives (EPPCFP-2019), 23-25 Aug-2019, NITK, Karnataka.
  15. Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, P.E. JagadeeshBabu, Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles and Peroxymonosulfate System for the effective Removal of Ampicillin from Aqueous Solution, Green Technologies for Sustainable Water GTSW-2019, 1-5 Dec-2019, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  16. P.E. JagadeeshBabu, Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Visible Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Hexavalent Chromium using TiO2-WO3 Photocatalyst, Green Technologies for Sustainable Water GTSW-2019, 1-5 Dec-2019, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  17. Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, P.E. JagadeeshBabu, Deepti SusannaReneeth Gabriella, Indumathi V Ilango, Novel Zinc doped Barium Oxide Nanoparticles for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Irgalite Violet Dye, International Symposium on Water Sustainability & Green Technologies – WSGT 2022, 25 – 26 Nov-2022, Vietnam.
  18. Raj Mohan Balakrishnan, Deepti Susanna, P.E. JagadeeshBabu, "Biosynthesis of antibody-conjugated Au@Ag bimetallic nanoparticles for the rapid detection of Klebsiella pneumoniae" – Practical Zero Emissions Technologies and Strategies – PZETS 2023, 9–12 Dec-2023, Vietnam.
  19. P.E. JagadeeshBabu, RajMohan B., S. Jitendra Pal, Hitendra Ydav, Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2:SnO2:MgO Nano-composite Incorporated Polysulfone Organic Membrane for Wastewater Treatment, International Conference on the Practical Zero Emissions Technology Strategies-PZETS 2023, 9-12 Dec-2023, Ho Chi Minh City, VIETNAM.

Workshop Conducted:

  1. Recent trends in monitoring, control and abatement of air pollution, at Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITK, 26th to 28th December 2012.
  2. Recent Challenges in Atmospheric and Earth Science” (RCAEs-2014) at Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITK, 17th – 20th December 2014.
  3. International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering, on the eve of Golden Jubilee of Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NITK, 20th – 22nd December 2015.
  4. International conference on “Research Frontiers in Chalcogen Cycle Science & Technology, at ICG-Goa, 19th - 21st December 2016.
  5. Self Enrichment Program for Ist year Btech Student of NITK

Workshop Attended:

  1. Workshop on “Modelling and Simulations in Chemical Engineering” Anna University, Chennai – 25 on January 26, 2002.
  2. National Seminar on “Membrane Technology” Department of Chemical Engineering, A.C.Tech., Anna University, Chennai – 25 on May 9-10, 2002.
  3. Workshop on “Emerging Trends on Teaching and Research in Technical Education” Anna University, Chennai – 600 025 on September 17-18, 2002.
  4. Course on “Modern Teaching Competencies” Centre for University-Industry Collaboration, Anna University, Chennai – 25, August 5-19, 2002.
  5. Attended a course on “Teaching with MATALAB and Simulink” Indo-US Engineering Faculty Leadership Institute at Infosys Mysore, 22-26 June 2009.
  6. Intensive continuing education training program on “Nano Fabrication technologies” Centre for continuing education, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, 15-16 of April 2010.
  7. Industry-Academic Workshop on “Refining and Petrochemicals” conducted by Petroleum federation of India, Lovraj Kumar memorial trust (LKMT) and Chennai petroleum Corporation Ltd (CPCL), March 16-19, 2011.
  8. AICTE-MHRD approved STTP on “Recent Advances in Polymer Science” NITK, 1 - 5 August 2011.
  9. Teaching Control System Concepts using MATLAB and Simulink, MathWorks Events Team at The Ocean Pearl Hotel - Pacific 3 Hall,11 Mar 2014

Outreach Activity:

  1. Member, Scientific Investigation Board, CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, 2023-Till Date
  2. Member, Project Guidance and Review Committee, Dept. of Science & Industrila Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, 2023-Till Date
  3. Member, Board of Studies, St. Joseph College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, 2024-Till Date.
  4. Member, Board of Studies, Mahendra College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, 2024-Till Date.
  5. Member, Development of Assessment Content-MCQ, National Stock Exchange, Chennai, 2022-Till Date
  6. Member, Recruitment panel, CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, 2024-Till Date
  7. PhD Examiner, Anna University, SRM University, VIT-Vellore.

Invited Talk:

  1. Downstream Processing, National Level Workshop on Bioprocess Techniques, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, 19Dec24
  2. Nano Technology, Biotechnology department, Vignan University, Guntur, 11Feb2023
  3. Biosensors, Recent advanced technologies for the development of biosensors and their applications, Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Karnataka, 28Sept2021
  4. Application CHEM-CAD in Process Design, CFD Application in Micro & Macro Multiphase System, VIT-Vellore, 13Dec2021
  5. Bioconjugation of Uricase from Arthrobacter Globiformis, Dept. of Biotechnology, SRM University, Chennai, 25May2020
  6. Bioconjugation of Uricase, Dept. of Biotechnology, St. Joseph College of Engineering, Chennai, 21July2020
  7. Application of Nano materials in membranes, Expanding Horizons of Nanotechnology in Engineering, Medicine and Biotechnology, CIT-Coimbatore, 27August2020
  8. Membrane Technology, Dept. of Biotechnology, St. Joseph College of Engineering, Chennai, 21Sept2020
  9. Basics of Heat Exchangers, Evaporators & Spray Driers, A Refreshing Course for HUL Employers, HUL Head Office, Bombay, 10March2019
  10. Nano Technology in Biotechnology, Current Scenario in Nano And Biotechnological Applications (CSNBA), CIT-Coimbatore, 23March2018
  11. Nano Drug Delivery System, Maharaj College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, 5April2024
  12. Adsorption Principle and its Application, NIT-Calicut, Calicut, 2July2016

Contact us

Dr. I. Regupathi, Professor and Head
Department of Chemical Engineering, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangalore - 575 025
Karnataka, India.

  • Hot line: +91-0824-2474057

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